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Health and Safety

Safety Is Also Our First Concern.

Our base camp, the Sarimbun Scout Camp has a fully stocked first aid room with beds and equipment. The instructors are trained in first aid and on the second day at camp, each camper will be given a thorough introduction to the grounds letting them know the proper procedures if anything should happen, including an evacuation/emergency plan. We will review any routines around individual camper medications (all medications are kept locked and secured in the first aid room).  Counselors are on site 24 hours a day to ensure your child's safety throughout their stay.

In the event of an emergency, the nearest hospital is only 30 minutes away. It is our policy to only notify a parent when their child has seen a doctor or stayed in the first aid room overnight due to illness.​

It is not necessary to send your child with non-essential medicines. The first aid room has headache medicine, painkillers, medicine for upset stomachs and everything else for day-to-day ailments. If your child does need to take essential medication regularly, then it must be checked in at the first aid room on the first day of camp. The label must be translated into English with clear instructions so the staff can legally administer it. 

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